This is part 2 of the ‘Top Ten Things You Must Know Before Choosing an Implant Dentist’, see part 1 here

6.Do The Quoted Fees Include All Visits?

The quoted fees should account for all visits, including additional visits that may not have originally been planned. Any possible additional costs payable should be discussed at your initial consultation and written documentation should be sent with proper informed consent.

Emergency visits are just that, and are rare, but should not encounter an additional charge as you want the reassurance that you can have things checked.

7.Do They Have Facilities For Sedation Dentistry?

Many patients are nervous or just want to be asleep while undergoing procedures. The vast majority of surgeons should have the ability to let you sleep, through IV sedation or ‘Sleep Dentistry’ while undergoing your dentistry to give you that piece of mind.

8.Does Your Implant Dentist Have The Latest Technology To Diagnose And Treat Your Condition?

Advanced technologies and the latest science not only offer faster diagnosis and treatment but also ensure an effective course of treatment. Some include:

  • Digital x-rays which are images can be viewed a few seconds after being taken as well as having a major reduction in radiation dosage.
  • CT scanner and planning software which allows viewing three dimensional computer images of your jawbone obtained by the scan. The software can assess the adequacy of bone as well as digitally plan, visualize and manipulate the proposed implant prior to the actual placement.
  • Bone grafts and growth factors, which enhance the speed and the quality of the healing process after surgery.
  • Technology to precisely remove and contour the bone in your jaw without impacting soft tissue or overheating bone, important factors to consider to minimize post-operative discomfort.

9.What Support And Care Should You Expect?

For many, oral implants are a big decision. A good implant dentist should be able to answer all your questions and give you a customized treatment plan specific to your condition.

For difficult and complex cases, they should allow extra consultation time to talk patients through each step. Ask to see their previous cases to ensure your dentist is capable of dealing with similar cases.

In addition to an experienced dental surgeon, you will require all sorts of support from the moment you contact a practice. Their nursing and reception staff are the ones who will handle your paperwork, health fund claims and provide you with instructions over the phone on before and after care. It is essential for them to understand the important role they play in your recovery. An experienced and well trained team can anticipate your needs and put you at ease throughout the entire treatment.

10.What Happens After The Surgery?

As with any surgery, the success of the procedure is dependent on the follow up care, even years later. It is important that the surgeon offers a warranty for the procedure and has a recall system to ensure that you have a maintenance schedule.

The practice should also have dental hygienists that are trained to help you clean your implants to ensure longevity.